Author Guidelines

The article should be written in MS Word. In-page & PDF files would not be considered.

The first page of the article should contain the title of the research paper with English Transliteration, author (s) full name (Arabic & English), university or research center, designation, etc. 16, font size, and be in the middle

The article must not have been published anywhere else. It should be in accordance with the research principles and should be on a new topic. Moreover, the article should be adorned with references to basic sources. It is necessary to abide by the rules of writing and spelling.

It should not be more than 15 pages (4000-6000) words. including references and 150 to 200 words of English Abstract with Keywords.

Use Times New Romans for English, Jameel Noori Nastaleeq font for Urdu, and Traditional Arabic Font for Arabic.

Use 12 Font sizes for English and 13 for Urdu and Arabic text, 18 Bold, headings, and for sub-headings 16 Bold. For the English heading, Font Size is 12+Bold for English and 13+Bold for Arabic. The line space should be 1.0 for Heading, text, and references.

Please make the page setting of your word file A4 page, format (8.27x 11.69 inches); with the margins: bottom 3 cm (1.18 in) and top 3 cm (1.18 in), left 3 cm (1.18 in) and right 2.5 cm (1.47 in).

Soft copy of the article must be emailed on the following Email

The paper must include the following:

  • The article must be research-based and unpublished. The editorial board is not responsible for any unauthorized material if found in the articles.
  • Burdensome and pun (entendre) words may be avoided to be used by the writers, the style of the article may be intelligible to the common man and simple; in addition, its words should not be disgraceful.
  • The writer should record his short profile (name, position, name of the institute address, email Phone No) on the first page.
  • Conclusion of the research or review must be produced at the end of the Article.
  • The references should be written in serial order in the endnote. In addition, for recording references APA reference style must be followed.
  • It is also important that you carefully proofread your paper, and that it is accompanied by a Turnitin similarity index report in soft form.
  • References must be added in Roman for articles in Urdu and Arabic languages.