Review and Publication Policy

Review Policy

Articles sent for publication in the International Research Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies go through an initial editorial screening followed by a double-blind peer review. The Editorial Board of the Journal is responsible for the selection of reviewers based on their expertise in the relevant field. All the papers will be reviewed by external reviewers (from outside the organization of the journal). The whole process of paper submission to the publication will take a time period of approximately 4 to 24 weeks.

Privacy Policy

The information and opinions given by the reviewers during the review process are all kept confidential and are never used for the advantage of someone. The submission of an article, as a special presentation is kept confidential completely. Before the publication of an article, the reviewers and editor cannot utilize the data, ideas, or subjects without the permission of the author.

Letter of Acceptance

A letter of acceptance can be issued by the editor on request to the author after positive reviews from all the reviewers.