An Introduction to the Life-story of Qazi Fazul Allah and his works


  • Zia Ur Rehman Ph.D Scholar (Department of Islamic Studies) Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan KP.
  • Dr.Hafiz Salih Ud Din Professor & Chairman (Department of Islamic Studies) Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan KP.


Qazi Fazul Allah, A Muslim Scholar. His Life and Services, Quran and Hadiths


This research manuscript aims at the exploration of how Qazi Fazl Ullah has played a part in the solution of some problems/queries arising in the minds of Z and alpha generation. It is obligatory on the Muslim schoalrs to answer these queries, satisfy this generation and present Islam in a plausible way. This task is being done by a man named Qazi Fazlu Allah. He is a Muslim scholar. He belongs to district Swabi, KPK, Pakistan. He is enthusiastically occupied in the studies of the Quran and hadiths. He has an excellent approach to modern fields of knowledge. He has an excellent grip over thelanguages of Arabic, English and contemporary issues like communism, secularism, capitalism, economics and Islamic economics as well. He has authored numerous books and exegesis like Tafseer Husnuttaweel and Fittafseer Wattanzeel.He is a blend of the traditional authentic sources of Islam and contemporary sources of knowledge. He discusses problems regarding prayer (Salath), zakat, Ramadan, time of Salah and observance of fasting etc. He utilizes a fascinating style to interpret Quran, hadiths and modern issues. So the introduction of such a scholar to the world is important so that Muslim youth in particular and non-Muslims in general might take benefit from him. As a result, the doubts of the present generation may be removed and their questions will also be answered in a satisfactory way.




How to Cite

Zia Ur Rehman, & Dr.Hafiz Salih Ud Din. (2024). An Introduction to the Life-story of Qazi Fazul Allah and his works. International Research Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 4(1), 36–43. Retrieved from